The Cystosheath

Scopeguard's Cystosheath provides a sterile barrier between the cystoscope and the patient, ensuring unrivalled patient safety. In addition to offering real benefits in clinical efficiency and productivity by eliminating the need to reprocess flexible cystoscopes after each procedure.

Outer Housing
Inner Housing
Rubber End
Inner Sheath
Outer Sheath

The Benefits

Reduced need for invasive re-work

The latest Scopeguard version provides the opportunity for a Biopsy to be administered during an investigatory procedure. The Biopsy tool is easily inserted into the sheath without having to withdraw the scope from the patient minimising any discomfort. The Biopsy tool is withdrawn prior to the scope being retracted from the patient.

Reduced risk of infection

The sheath acts as a barrier between the scope and the patient. If following the procedures correctly, at no time should the scope come into contact with the patient therefore the risk of patient infection is greatly reduced. Whilst a scope should be sterilised after each procedure, this is not always the case therefore utilising the sheath provides an effective barrier to the risk of spreading infection.

Improved patient experience

The nature of invasive surgery procedures provides patient anxiety and discomfort. Without the utilisation of our sheath, it would not be uncommon for a procedure to be interrupted, scope withdrawn before a biopsy tool was added into the process to enable the procedure to reconvene. This extra activity takes time and places much stress on the patient. Using a Scopeguard sheath eliminates the need for patient discomfort whilst improving the patient experience.

Productivity gains

Scopes are expensive! There is a limited number of scopes a hospital can operate with at any one time due to cost, sterilisation and servicing. Utilising the Scopeguard Sheath, multiple procedures may be permissible without the requirement for sterilisation. Future Clinics need not be cancelled due to lack of scopes. Patients need not to be re-called for a second invasive procedure all of which contributes to improved productivity gains and all round better patient experience.

Shorter waiting lists

With improved productivity through better utilisation of available scopes and a reduced need for patients return to hospital, reduced sterilisation of scopes, consultant waiting lists get shorter and more referrals seen faster .

Less stress

Any surgical procedure is stressful. Long waiting times and cancelled appointments increase patient anxiety. Using a Scopeguard sheath reduces the risk of cancellation, long waiting times whilst reducing patients fear of the unknown.

Scopeguard - A Brief History

Here’s a roadmap of our product to highlight the milestones from the initial phase to delivery and future updates.

It All Began With an idea

Started by leading Urologists

One shared goal

Pioneering improvements in the endoscopy market

Product Development Objectives

- Benefit the patient experience
- Productivity benefits for the consultants
- Reduced waiting times through better utilisation of available scopes
- Reduced infection rates
- Save money for the hospitals

April 2017

Crest Medical Ltd purchase Scopeguard™

Developed version 2

Incorporated feedback from Consultants, Health Care Professionals & Infection Control leaders

Products introduced into the NHS and private hospitals

What does the future hold?

